


Unwind in our Wellness and recharge yourself in one of our saunas. Do you need relaxation and are you looking for a hotel with a sauna? During your stay at Van der Valk Hotel Breukelen you are fully equipped. As a hotel guest, you can visit our wellness center. Here you can recharge after a long day. The wellness center has a wonderful relaxation area with loungers around the fireplace, a sauna and a steam cabin. After your visit to the sauna you can use one of our rain and/or rain showers. You will find our Wellness on the 1st floor near the swimming pool.
Please note: only accessible by stairs. 
Open daily from 09.00-21.00

* Until 24 July we use the following extended opening hours. Open daily between 08:00 and 21:00, on Friday and Saturday between 08:00 and 22:00.

Maximum 8 guests in the wellness
For the safety of our guests, we allow a maximum of 8 people per 60 minutes in our saunas. Stricter cleaning and hygiene measures apply in this area.

To reserve
To ensure that all our guests can fully enjoy our facilities, a reservation is required.

For your reservation, call one of our employees;
0346 21 74 00 (available daily between 08:00 and 21:00)

*The facilities are exclusively open for hotel guests with an overnight stay & season ticket holders.